CFD Trading – How to Benefit From 24-Hour Trading in Today’s Connected World

Investors are increasingly seeing CFD trading as both a flexible and cost efficient way of taking a position on the financial markets.

In today’s globally connected economy business never stops. When one of your core customers is soundly sleeping, another one is just waking up in a different country, so too the world’s leading stock exchanges, from London to New York to Shanghai to Tokyo.

Although historically there’s always been a close connection between stock markets it just seems that nowadays the influence is much more profound. A strong opening on the Dow Jones Industrial Average can revitalise an otherwise sluggish FTSE 100. So too a poor day on the Nikkei 225 can dampen the outlook for futures on the Dow.

Taking advantage of this from a traditional trading perspective can be largely reliant on the hours kept by your broker. And this, perhaps, is another reason why investors are increasingly looking to CFD trading.

Most CFD trading is done online via sophisticated trading platforms and the leading CFD providers have, for a while now, offered the ability to trade on the world’s leading indices 24-hours a day. So, say if you were based in the UK, not only would you have full access to the Asian markets when they open, it also means that you can trade whatever index you are most familiar with, be it the FTSE, the ASX 200 or the CAC 40, 24-hours a day.

CFD providers are also leading the way in making more and more markets accessible to the individual investor. Increasingly we’re seeing a number of alternative stock exchanges ­- called Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) challenging the monopoly of Europe’s existing primary exchanges. This new competition has resulted in the costs of trading being driven down, faster trading technology and share markets becoming more accessible.

And CFD providers have been quick to realise the benefit of these new exchanges, introducing sophisticated technology which trawls for and finds the best offered price for its clients among Europe’s leading MTFs.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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